FORMSTAMPI was founded by Lino Bazzolo, Sergio Grassivaro and Angelo Sartori, former colleagues at Borli Engineering Spa, where they had gained experience in the construction of molds and machines for the aluminium industry. Initially, the company was based in a small rented warehouse in Legnaro, in the province of Padua.
The business moves to the new 2500 sqm warehouse
The company moves into the new 2500 sqm hall
Implementation of the ISO 9001 quality management system
The business expands with the construction of a new warehouse on two levels used as a warehouse and heat treatment facility of 1000 square meters
Implementation of the OHSAS 18001 safety management system
Expansion of the existing building for a new assembly department of 500 square meters with a higher crane lifting capacity and therefore the possibility of managing larger molds
Implementation of the new ISO 45001 Occupational Health and Safety Management System
A particularly intense year in terms of investments in new machinery driven by government funds
Serena Bazzolo, Elisa Sartori e Daniele Grassivaro, respectively already active in the company, take over the Board of Directors
© 2024 Form s.r.l. | P.I. 00949550289 – Cap.soc. € 99.000,00 i.v. – Reg.Impr. di Padova n.00949550289 – REA n. PD-159478